A devastating incident unfolded at a primary school in Croatia, where a child lost their life, and several others sustained injuries during a knife attack, according to local police reports.
The shocking event took place on Friday in the capital city of Zagreb. Croatia’s health minister confirmed that the victims included a teacher who was also wounded in the attack. The suspect, identified as a 19-year-old man, was apprehended at the scene.
Images from the site showed a heavy presence of police officers, ambulance teams, and forensic experts outside the school building, as authorities worked to secure the area and investigate the crime.
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic expressed deep sorrow over the incident, describing it as horrifying. The health ministry reported that five children and two adults were hospitalized with injuries as a result of the attack.
This tragic event has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the need for enhanced safety measures in educational institutions.